الأحد، 31 مارس 2019

مسرحية قصيرة مضحكة بالانجليزية

مسرحية قصيرة مضحكة بالانجليزية

مسرحية قصيرة مضحكة بالانجليزية
Pieces for children to play by children
 theater texts to play for children
little theatrical piece to day for


small plays to play
piece of theater to play in class
comical theater pieces for students
piece of theater for little free
piece of theater to play in kindergarten
piece of theater for elementary students
piece of theater to play for 4 people
comic short play for 2 people
مسرحية بالفرنسية للسنة الثانية ثانوي
مسرحية فرنسية مترجمة

Good evening!
From Jezabel Coguyec
- A: Good evening!
- B: Do we ...?
- A: Not that I know. (A time) Oh yes, it's true, you have to know each other
say good night! Excuse me !
- B: No, it's me, I'm really sorry, so much more the habit with this
individualism that we eat.
- A: There's no harm. I have not had a long time myself ...
- B: Ah?
- Yes indeed. (One time) No, because one day I said to myself: we have the right to salute
that people we know; but the people we know, it took one day
greet to know them!
- B: (a beat) I agree, but suppose we decide, of a
common accord, greet us from now on as soon as we cross each other, is this
that we will know each other so far?
A: No doubt, you are right; it's a real problem.
Why do not we settle here to get to know each other better?
- B: You really want to have a good reason to greet me!
- Yes indeed.
- B: If there is only that to make you happy ... (A time) But what is the
how to get to know each other?

- A: I think we have to start by saying goodnight.

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