كيف تجري حوار بين طبيب ومريض بالإنجليزي
كيف تجري
حوار بين طبيب ومريض بالإنجليزي
doctor: -
What brings you?
Sylvie: -
Well, I hurt my arm as I fell.
doctor: -
You can take off your jacket? Let me look ? Indeed, it's swollen. When did you
Sylvie: -
This morning, I went down the stairs and I missed a walk. I put an ice pack on
it, but the pain only got worse ...
doctor: - It
hurts you now?
Sylvie: -
There, it's a little better compared to just now.
the doctor:
- We'll do a radio.
(a few
minutes later)
the doctor:
- You made a fracture.
Sylvie: - I
would have for a long time?
the doctor:
- At least six weeks if your arm remains immobilized.