تعبير عن تلوث الماء بالانجليزي قصير
تلوث المياه بالانجليزي
حلول تلوث المياه بالانجليزي
pollution: causes and consequences I. Pollution of water II. The causes III.
Consequences IV. The sources
-Pollution of the
I often repeat that the rivers that we see in the world look like veins and
that's true since water is also flowing in our veins. The blue planet is
covered with 70% water, 97% of which is salt water and only 3% of fresh water.
For several years, the rates of polluted water and soil pollution have grown
monstrously. Many factors contribute to their deterioration and the main causes
remain human activity. Water pollution occurs accidentally, unexpectedly or
thoughtfully. It is important to remember the consequences
of water and soil pollution Water pollution: it is the contamination of water by
waste, chemicals or micro-organisms.
- Causes of water
Pollution of water is due to: agriculture (because of pesticides and
fertilizers See example in Brittany) household waste (drugs and
biocides released via wastewater and that sewage treatment plants do not know
how to treat) oil spills ship's oil spills. In many places, the
wastewater is not treated before being rejected because it
is very expensive (everything plays on the price). We
may think that we are a fervent supporter of environmental protection. But,
unintentionally, we add, massively and / or daily, our impact in the list of
the main causes of polluted water.
4-Water pollution is a degradation, thus causing a disruption of
the aquatic ecosystem. We are talking here about surface water and groundwater.
surface waters There are different sources of pollution. Chemical pollution,
for example, is one of the origins of polluted water, are
often targeted, sewage treatment plants, and the lack of sanitation networks.
Similarly for the cleaning of soil, pavement or the evacuation of effluents by
industries directly in the rivers (eg pollution of the Seine). There is also
contamination of water by viruses and pathogenic bacteria. Here, it is often
the degradation of organic waste from animal excrement and man who is the
source. sewage treatment plants pollution of the Seine water contamination
Domestic pollution also has a significant impact. The use then the
rejection of fats, washing powders, etc. We can also talk about pollution by
negligence; throwing plastics, scraps of paper, batteries ... without realizing
it has an impact on our entire environment. Agricultural pollution is not to
be forgotten because the concentration of the farms results in a source of
bacteriological pollution of the water. Chemical fertilizers affect the quality
of groundwater, not to mention herbicides, insecticides and other plant
protection products. And finally, there is accidental pollution, with
multiple origins, such as: the discharge of pollutants during traffic
accidents, the spread of gas by the factories, the poor storage of soluble
chemicals, fires, ... polluting elements
5 Consequences of
water pollution As a result, a large amount of wastewater and waste is
discharged to the sea. This can cause: Very fast breeding algae that cover
the sea surface increase risks of clogging the gills of fish. In addition,
with global warming the temperature of the water increases and some marine
animals are found in seas (or oceans) in which they should not be. (there is
more shark in the Mediterranean than at other times); and the disappearance of
coral reefs.
Since the beginning of the industrial era, the acidity of the sea
has increased by 26%, resulting in the disappearance of organisms and their
predators; a terrible impact for people who live on the exploitation of marine
resources (disappearance of oysters and mussels if the rate of CO2 continues to
rise ...).
Pollution of the groundwater so different streams.