الثلاثاء، 26 مارس 2019

تعبير بالانجليزي عن رياضة المشي

تعبير بالانجليزي عن رياضة المشي

تعبير بالانجليزي عن رياضة المشي

The benefits of moving

Physical activity has several benefits, demonstrated by some studies, which play as much on health as on well-being. In contrast, inactivity, being sedentary, carries greater risks of illness and decreases life expectancy. Here is a list of benefits associated with physical activity.

Benefits of physical activity
Physical health
strengthens the heart and lungs,
increases the daily energy level,
helps maintain or achieve a healthy weight,
maintain or improve lean body mass, flexibility and muscle strength,
reduces resting blood pressure (hypertension),
delay the decline of cognitive functions (brain),
improves posture and balance,
reduces the back words.
Psychological health
reduces stress,
increases the feeling of well-being,
improves the quality of sleep,
reduces anxiety,
reduces the risk of depression,
improves the image and self-esteem,
increases socialization.
Preventive health (diseases and life expectancy)
Reduced risk of getting:
coronary heart disease,
Reduces the risk of coronary heart disease by:
favorable alterations of the thrombolytic cascade (less risk of clot formation),
the increase of HDL-cholesterol (the good one) and lowering of LDL-cholesterol (the bad one),
the decrease of blood triglycerides,
increased insulin sensitivity,
the decrease of systolic and diastolic arterial pressures,
lowering the percentage of fat,
the decrease in abdominal adiposity,
improved aerobic capacity,
the decrease in the oxygen requirement of the heart.
Reduces the risk of death caused by:
coronary heart disease,
colon cancer,
breast cancer,
type II diabetes,
cerebrovascular attacks.
In children
optimizes growth and development,
improve academic performance, ease of learning and skills development,
improves concentration,
improves memory.
In the elderly
decreases bone loss associated with osteoporosis,
reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease,
reduces the risk of falling (maintaining muscle strength, balance, flexibility and coordination).
Risks of inactivity
risk of premature death,
increased risk of chronic disease
cardiac disease,
cerebrovascular accident,
high blood pressure,
Colon Cancer,
type II diabetes,

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