الاثنين، 25 مارس 2019

انشاء عن smoking

انشاء عن smoking
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انشاء عن "smoking"

The dangers of the cigar

Many people consider that cigars are less dangerous than cigarettes for health. In fact, smoking cigars also has adverse health effects. Summary of the main risks.

Smoking cigars leads to increased risk of cancer

Cigars are made of tobacco wrapped in tobacco leaves, unlike cigarettes made of tobacco wrapped in paper. And they are dangerous for health, even if most studies show that the health risks related to their consumption are usually less important than those related to cigarette consumption.

Indeed, cigar smoke contains the same toxic and carcinogenic compounds as those found in cigarette smoke.  People who smoke four or more cigars a day are exposed to a quantity of smoke equivalent to the smoke of 10 cigarettes a day. The main smoke of cigars (that inhaled through the mouth of the cigar end) contains higher concentrations of nicotine, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, benzene, hydrogen cyanide, ammonia and carbon monoxide than mainstream smoke. cigarettes, which means that cigar smokers have higher concentrations of carboxyhemoglobin.  In addition, the alkaline pH of cigar smoke facilitates the absorption of nicotine through the mouth and nose. 

Many studies show that pipe and cigar smokers are at a higher risk of lung cancer than nonsmokers. A 1999 European study suggested that smoking cigars or pipes could have a carcinogenic effect on the lungs comparable to cigarettes.  A 2000 study confirmed this risk: Cigar smokers who smoke 3 or more cigars a day who reported inhaling smoke or who have been smoking for more than 25 years had a higher risk of lung cancer-related mortality. than men with lower exposure. The risk of lung cancer mortality was higher, however, even among smokers who reported that they did not inhale or who smoked for less than 25 years. 

In addition, cigar smokers compared to non-smokers are at higher risk of cancer of the upper aerodigestive tract or oropharynx. In multivariate analyzes, the incidence of cancer in cigar smokers was approximately 2 times higher for oropharyngeal and upper aerodigestive cancers than for non-smokers.  There is a dose-response relationship: the risk associated with cigar smoking is higher for smokers of 5 or more cigars per day compared to those who smoke less. With regard to oropharyngeal cancers, there is a synergy between alcohol and cigar: cigar smokers who drink more than 3 drinks a day are more likely than drinkers alone. (9) This same synergy is observed for cancers of the upper aerodigestive tract. Although regular cigar smokers do not appear to have an increased risk of death from pancreatic or bladder cancer, there is still an increased risk for smokers reporting inhaling smoke. (10)

Cigar consumption, cardiovascular risks

A prospective study of 7735 men showed a significantly higher risk of major coronary events, cerebrovascular accidents in pipe / cigar smokers compared to never smokers.  There is a dose-response effect. The American Cancer Society's Cancer Prevention Study 1 found that death rates from coronary heart disease increased with increasing numbers of cigars per day. 

A cohort study in 634 men under 60 years showed that the cigar and pipe had a deleterious effect on survival at 4 years after a first attack of angina pectoris or a first myocardial infarction.  A study of officials in the United Kingdom showed that the cigar or pipe was also predictive of aortic aneurysm death. One of the reasons for the increased risk of coronary heart disease is related to the high levels of environmental tobacco exposure: even if cigar smokers do not inhale, they are exposed to their own smoke in the environment. ambient air, a well-documented risk factor for coronary heart disease. 

Other health risks

Smoking the cigar also increases the risk of COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease). From the point of view of deleterious effects on the periodontium, a long-term prospective study showed a significantly increased risk of alveolar bone destruction in cigarette and pipe / cigar smokers compared to non-smokers

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