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Quote and Swimming Proverb - The Swim Quotes and Swimming Proverbs.
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quotes on swimming added in 2019
ferry multiplying the options, he now offers a swim oral. does the test go
under water with a snorkel?
Marc Escayrol
is like swimming exercises with a buoy: we act as if the other is the sea that
carries us. That is why it becomes for us at once as precious and irreplaceable
as our homeland of origin, and as disturbing and disconcerting as the infinite.
life of Lou Andreas-Salomé - Lou Andreas-Salomé
novelty was the creation of the modern Pentathlon. (...) This time, the grace
of the sporting Holy Spirit enlightened my colleagues and they accepted a test
to which I attached great value: true sacrament of the complete athlete, the
modern Pentathlon had to include: a race on foot, a horse race, a swimming
race, a sword assault and finally a shooting event to which I would have
preferred to substitute a race for rowing, but that would have greatly
complicated the organization already quite difficult. Modern Pentathlon has,
since then, achieved increasing success without ever having been realized my
true intentions: courses unknown to the competitor, events succeeding each
other almost without interval, horses provided by the organizing country and
drawn by lot at the last moment, lo which, in my opinion, should give the whole
an educational character of the first order. An opposition of caste was
perpetually drawn up against this way of seeing and it ended up bringing the
current organizers to the total neglect of the respect of the principles posed
by the creator of the Pentathlon.
Memories - Pierre de Coubertin