ايجابيات وسلبيات السفر بالسيارة بالانجليزي
مزايا فوائد اضرار السيارة بالانجليزي
aspiring travelers or the curious, discover new landscapes is one of the major
assets to travel. But would you name other benefits specific to the trip? We
take stock with you.
of the article
strong experiences while leaving your comfort zone
the change of scenery creates strong memories, full of emotion, which will
follow you all your life. Whether you're just 10 hours away by plane or just a
few hours away from home, getting out of your comfort zone will, in one way or
another, inevitably affect your vision and your behavior. Goodbye routine, you
new challenges and a broader horizon!
discover oneself
you want to know what kind of wood you are made of? Nothing better than the
trip to discover it. Faced with improbable, sometimes stressful situations, you
will have to react without having your usual bearings, immersed in a culture
that is not yours alongside people who do not speak the same language. The
impact? This will boost your self-confidence, (re) learn to assert yourself,
listen to you and take initiative! And who knows, maybe you will discover
unsuspected qualities?
a new culture
world is made of plural cultures, mysterious, and sometimes enigmatic from our
point of view. From Peru to Norway via Vietnam, you will soon discover that the
customs and habits vary greatly from one country to another. This is the
richness of the journey. There is a good chance that you feel touched by a
particular way of life, and that it makes you want to learn the associated
language in addition to changing your habits! And then, memories, whether
material or immaterial, are a source of instruction.
the eyes, change positively mentality
now, you have always been content to read or listen to each other's travel
stories, sometimes envying them. Today, you find yourself acting on your own
adventure. No more preconceived ideas, fantasized and reported by others. You
will be able to make your own opinion in the field. Whether the experience is
positive, mixed or negative, it will not have a positive impact on your
mentality: awareness of ecology, ways of consuming, look at geopolitical
issues, tolerance and humility developed ... Traveling allows you to to
confront his certainties with the real world. How not to grow out of it?
meet new people
staying abroad, your relationship to others is changing. The barriers are
dissipating, you are living the present moment: no longer shyness and all those
things that restrict you in your country of origin. New encounters are at your
fingertips and making friends has never been easier. Soon, your entourage will
be enriched with new knowledge from around the globe. What to do couch-surfing
during a next stay
of the car
The car is the most polluting means of personal transport and the cause of a
large part of the CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.
The car in the city is in some cases slower because of traffic jams. These
traffic jams are the cause of frustration and stress for the driver.
The car pushes to inactivity and is therefore a cause of climbing obesity in
the population. Walking, riding a bike or taking public transit makes you burn
calories, while the car does not.
The massive use of the car in developed countries without enough reserve on
their own soil pushes Western countries to military and economic colonialism to
ensure the constant supply of oil and the good health of their country.
dependent economy.
The car disconnects the driver from the real reality in which he is. In his
car, it is rare to have spontaneous social contacts with the people around us
and this leads to hyperindividualism.
The car is one of the leading causes of accidental death.
The car can be a weapon in the hands of someone who loses their abilities.
The car is in permanent competition with Man in urban space, but the road
usually triumphs over parks and living spaces.
The car is very expensive and it will not stop! Calculate how much your car
costs, insurance, gas, maintenance, repairs, etc. It's a huge part of the
household budget!
The car has fostered the emergence of American-style malls located outside the
city and usually built for the enjoyment of motorists-consumers.