موضوع بالانجليزي عن الماء
بحث عن الماء باللغة الانجليزية طويل
The water that we drink
Water is present
everywhere in our daily life: it is used to drink, to prepare the kitchen, to
wash, to evacuate the toilets, to water the garden, to clean the house, etc. It
also serves for most human activities around us: for agriculture, industrial production,
transport, cleaning cities, energy ... France receives 440 billion m3 of water
every year. rain, snow, etc. Water is rather abundant in France. Faced with
this, about 41 billion m3 are taken each year by man, for all these multiple
How much water is used
every day at home?
Consumptions at home are
of two kinds:
• Food Uses: The water we
drink represents only 1% of our total tap water consumption! If we add the
water necessary for the preparation of food (cooking, washing ...), it still
represents only 7% of our total consumption.
• Non-food uses: Most of
the water we consume at home, 93%, is used for personal hygiene, flushing
toilets, and various household chores.
At home, a Frenchman
consumes an average of 150 liters of water a day.
At home, it is
interesting to know how much water is used for every gesture of everyday life.
Here is the average consumption per use:
• In the kitchen :
- Dishes by hand: 10 to
12 liters
- Dishwasher: 25 to 40
- Washing machine: 70 to
120 liters
• In the toilets,
flushing: 6 to 12 liters with each use
• In the bathroom :
- Toilet to the sink: 5
- Shower from 4 to 5
minutes: 60 to 80 liters
- Bath: 150 to 200 liters
• In the garden :
- Washing the car: 200
- Irrigation of the
garden: 15 to 20 liters per m2
- Filling a pool: from
50000 to 80000 liters
Water for agriculture,
industry and energy
Agriculture uses 12% of
the water taken in France. Maize cultivation alone accounts for more than 40%
of the water consumed by different crops.
To produce one tonne of
wheat, you need 1500 m3 of water. It takes as much to produce one ton of corn.
And the volume of water goes up to 4500 m3 for one ton of rice.
The industry uses 10% of
the water taken in France. It takes water to make many products, but it is also
used for washing or disposal of waste or heating. However, water is mainly used
for cooling industrial plants.
The most water consuming
sectors in the industry are: metallurgy, chemistry, agri-food, petroleum
refineries, pulp manufacturing ... For example, 500 m3 of water is needed to
produce ton of steel or a ton of paper. About 35 m3 of water is needed to
produce a car.
Energy production
requires large drawdowns: 45% of the total alone. This is how EDF operates
reservoir dams, either to produce hydroelectric power or to operate its nuclear
power plants.