موضوع بالانجليزي عن التفاؤل
موضوع قصير عن التفاؤل بالانجليزي
موضوع عن الامل والتفاؤل بالانجليزي
You probably know someone around you who
always has a smile on your face and who always looks happy. Or are you one of
those people who see the bad passes of life as lessons and a way to grow? If
so, you should definitely notice that your life is more positive than most
people around you, that you are less stressed and that you have better health.
Rest assured, it's not your imagination. Martin Seligman, a researcher who has
studied optimists and pessimists for years, has found that having an optimistic
point of view has certain advantages. 1. Better health A study of 99 Harvard
students found that those who were optimistic at the age of 25 were healthier
at age 45 and at 60 than those who were pessimistic. Pessimism has been linked
by some studies to infectious disease risks and poor health. 2. Better results
Martin Seligman observed that sports teams whose members are optimistic, have
better synergy and perform better than teams whose members are pessimistic. At
present, this character trait is a decisive criterion for the hiring of new
players in sports teams. 3. Perseverance Optimists do not give up as easily as
pessimists, which is their strength and success. Several businessmen, including
Donald Trump, have gone bankrupt several times but this did not stop them from
getting up and turning their failures into blazing success. 4. Emotional Health
A study has shown that 12 weeks of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy (which
consists of reframing the patient's thought processes) works better than
medication to treat depression. During this therapy, the patient is taught to
think differently and to have a new perspective on his life, which makes him
more optimistic, among others. The risks of relapse are also much less
important. 5. Greater longevity According to a retrospective study of 34
Baseball players who played between 1900 and 1950, optimistic players have
lived much longer than others. 6. Less stress Optimistic people feel less stress
and anxiety than pessimists because they believe in their abilities. These
people believe that everything happens for a reason and that the best is yet to
come, that's why they take more risks to reach their goal and generally end up
getting success. Finally, optimists believe in the importance of managing their
stress well and practice several activities to reduce it.