عبارات دينيه بالانجليزي
كلمه اسلاميه بالانجليزي
عبارات بالانجليزي عن الله
كلمات دينيه بالانجليزيه عبارات اسلاميه
باللغه الانجليزيه
عبارات إسلامية باللغة الإنجليزية
for parents
T respect
for parents is a fundamental concept in Islam. It is on this notion that the
stability of the whole society rests. One of the main verses of the Qur'an that
alludes to the type of relationship that should unite children to parents
within the family unit is:
da rabbouka all has Tuck or
ill a iyy has a hou wabialw
lidayni i h s is a nan imm yabloughanna
^ indaka alkibara has h adouhoum a aw
kil a houm a fal a taqoul lahoum has ouffin wal a tanharhoum has waqoul lahoum has qawlan kar i m a n
And your Lord has decreed:" Adore only Him; and (mark) kindness to the
father and mother: if one or both of them must reach old age near you; so do
not tell them, "Fi!" and do not make them abrupt, but address them
with respectful words,
d lahoum has jan ah a aldhdhoulli mina alrra h mati
waqoul rabbi ir h amhoum a kam a rabbay a n i s agh i r a n
and out
of mercy, the wing of humility lowers for them; and say: "Oh my Lord, make love to them both,
mercy as they have raised me very small ."
23 / 24- Surah 17 Al Isra)
I am
Qourtoubi rahima h ouLah commenting on these verses writes that in
this passage, Allah has made good
behavior, respect and kindness to parents obligatory, just as His worship is .
This is apparent from the connection made between these two duties. In another
verse of the Qur'an, He linked the obligation to be grateful to Him for being
grateful to the parents.
I l azawajal
wawa ss
ayn a al-ins a na biw a lidayhi h amalat-hoo oummouhou wahnan al ^ has wahnin wafi his louhou f i ^ A mayni ani ouchkour l i a waliw lidayka
ilayya alma if rou
" Be
grateful to Me and to your parents "
(Surah 31 Luqman-Verse 14)
T hese
two passages show that after the worship of God, obedience to parents is the
most important duty of man. This is confirmed by a Hadith of the Prophet Mohammad
(sallallahu alayhi wa sallam), which says that a person asked the Messenger of
Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam): " What is the most appreciated act by
Allah? " Prophet Mohammad (sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam) replied: " To fulfill
prayer in its time ." The person
asked again: " And then, what is
the most appreciated act? ". The Prophet Mohammad (sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam) says: " Good behavior
towards parents ."
B efore
continuing with the comment of the first verses of the Qur'an mentioned, we
will see in the following lines a number of hadiths that mention the virtues
that there remain in the service of his parents and to be obedient to
them. Aboud Darda (radhia allāhou anhu)
reports that Prophet Mohammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said (in this
sense): " The father is the
intermediary door of paradise, now you have the choice: either you protect it
or you destroy it ." (Musnad
Ahmad, Tirmidhi, Ibn Maja, Moustadrak Hakim).
A bdullah
ibn Ummar (radhia allâhu anhu) reports that the Prophet Mohammad (sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam) said (in this sense): " The contentment of Allah is in
the contentment of the father, and the discontent of Allah is bound to the
discontent of the father . "
(Tirmidhi, Moustadrak Hakim).
I abas
Abbas (radhia allāhou anhu) reports that the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam) said (in this sense): " The obedient child who looks
compassionately on his parents will receive in return for each look the reward
of a pilgrimage (Hajj) accepted . "People asked," What if he looks at
his parents a hundred times a day?
" Prophet Mohammad
(sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) replied, " Yes, even if he does it a hundred
times (He will get this reward for
every look.) Allah is very great (That is, His treasure is unlimited, and
such a reward will not diminish it in any way. " (Bayhaqi)
In Bakra
(radhia allâhou anhu) reports that the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam) said (in this sense): " Allah delays the punishment of all sin for
the one whom He wants until the Last Day, except that of Disobedience to the
parents: The punishment of sin is inflicted on this world too, before the
future life . "
I t
should be noted however that obedience to parents is due only in respect of
acts permitted and lawful. Indeed, there is unanimity among jurists that if
parents order the child to do something that is forbidden in Islam, it is not
permissible to obey them, by virtue of famous Hadith which says: " No
obedience to a creature in disobedience to the Creator ."
C heikh
Ashraf Ali Thanwi rahima h orLah
writes, that there are altogether three cases where it is not necessary for the
child to obey the parents:
1 - When they order the child to do something
that is forbidden in Islam.
2 °
- When they forbid it to practice an
obligation of Islam.
3 °
- When they prevent him from doing
something that is allowed or recommended, and the child may be facing great
difficulty if he does not do this thing.
example: a person is poor, has no source of income and can not find a job in
the city where she lives; she is forced to leave her city to find work
elsewhere, to improve her living conditions. If in such a situation his parents
prevent him from leaving, he will not need to obey them.
"Ta'dîl Houqouq oul Wâlidayn").
That does
not mean that we have the right, in these cases, to disrespect them. Not to be
obliged to obey them is one thing, and to disrespect them is another. If the
first is allowed in exceptional cases, the second is not.
It should
also be known that respect for parents is not only due if they are Muslim. Asma
(radhia allahu anha) once asked the Prophet Mohammad (sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam) if she had the right to do well to her mother who was a polytheist and
came to visit her. Prophet Mohammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said to him,
" Good relations with your mother ."
D e
Similarly, the Koran, referring to the behavior that must have the child
towards its non-Muslim parents, said:
wa-in j
in Had a ka ^ al has an touchrika b
i m has laysa laka bihi ilmoun fal ^ i ^ t tou has a
houm wa sah ibhoum a f i
alddouny has my ^ r or fan
waittabi ^ i sab year the man has ba ilayya thoumma ilayya marji oukoum ^
fa-ounabbi-bim has oukoum kountoum ta ^
evil or na
And if both of you (your father and your mother) force you to associate with Me
what you have no knowledge of, then do not obey them, but STAY WITH THEM BELOW
(Surah 31
Luqman Verse 15)
teaches that one must perform well and maintain good relations toward the
relatives and friends of the parents, particularly after parents have left this
world. Abdulla Ibne Umar (radhia allahu anhu) reports that Prophet Muhammad
(sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said: " A very good behavior towards one's
father is to behave towards one's friends after one's death ." (Bukhari).
In Ousayd
Badri (radhia allāhou anhu) reports that once, while sitting with the Prophet
Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam), an Ansar (Medinese) came and asked the
Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) : " Oh, sent away from
Allah, after the departure of my parents from this world, do they still have
any rights over me (which I must pay)?
"The Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) says in this
sense:" Yes ! You must pray for
them and ask for forgiveness in their favor, you must carry out the commitments
they had made, you must (also) respect their friends, you must maintain the
family relations with relatives of your parents (. ..) These are the rights of
the parents who rest on you after their departure (from this world).