الأحد، 31 مارس 2019

خاتمة عن التلوث بالانجليزي

خاتمة عن التلوث بالانجليزي

خاتمة عن التلوث بالانجليزي

Effects of air pollution on health

Effects of air pollution on health are observed both following:

- an exposure of a few hours to a few days (acute, so-called short-term exposure) to this pollution: eye or respiratory irritation, asthma attacks, exacerbation of cardiovascular and respiratory disorders that may lead to hospitalization, and the most serious cases at death;
- a multi-year exposure (chronic, so-called long-term exposure) to air pollution; the health effects can in this case be defined as the contribution of this exposure to the development or aggravation of chronic diseases such as: cancers, cardiovascular and respiratory pathologies (asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, heart failure) , neurological disorders, etc.

In France, chronic exposure to air pollution leads to the most significant impacts on health and the share of health effects attributable to pollution peaks remains very low (source: ANSP). The preponderant health impact of air pollution is due to year-round exposure to average levels of pollution and not to peaks.

Air pollution and its effects on health
Smoking or exposure to environmental tobacco smoke, wood heating emissions, emissions from burning green waste in the open air (although this practice is prohibited), barbecue emissions, pollen, solvents used in indoor spaces ... are factors that can aggravate the effects of air pollution. Also, in case of air pollution episode, it is better to reduce or avoid exposure to these other factors.

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