عن road safety
تعبير عن road safety
safety and prevention
safety, or road safety, is the totality of measures to avoid road accidents, or
to mitigate their consequences.
between courteous driving behavior and accident production. Existing work
focuses on the links between aggressive behavior, anger and road safety. We
have conducted research to examine whether certain courteous driving behaviors
do not play an important role in the production of traffic accidents. Our
investigations concerned 2456 reports of accidents that occurred during a year
in a large conurbation. They show that in nearly 8% of the bodily injuries
recorded in the studied agglomeration, a courteous behavior of a driver
contributes causally to the accident. This is most often a driver stuck in
traffic, who signals to another user (motorist, pedestrian ...) to engage
before him. This user then engages on the priority axis in confidence,
precipitately, and collides with another user, hidden by the driver's vehicle
allowing it to pass.
where courteous behavior contributed to the occurrence of the accident
We have
been able to describe these different accident-gene situations by resorting to
the notion of a typical accident scenario. Finally, we mention at the end of
the article some paths for prevention, particularly through the development of
roads. Indeed, the problems we have highlighted can undoubtedly partly find
solutions in the field of planning. For example, the reduction to a single lane
in the direction of traffic and the establishment of pedestrian or median
refuges in the center of the roadways (at the level of pedestrian crossings or
at the approach of junctions or major accesses) make it possible to avoid or
severely limit overtaking maneuvers of a stopped vehicle to allow another user
to pass through.