الاثنين، 25 مارس 2019

تعبير عن السفر بالانجليزي مختصر

تعبير عن السفر بالانجليزي مختصر

Travel is often associated with adventure, self-transcendence, relaxation and questioning, but imagine that we are scientifically close enough to the truth! These few studies show that in the long run, traveling has enormous benefits on our personality!

Develop our trust
Led by William Maddux, a researcher in social psychology at Ohio State University, a study published in the Academy of Management Journal showed that people who traveled to different countries for extended periods of time had more confidence in other. According to Maddux, the greater the number of countries visited, the greater the general trust in others.

We open more to the novelty
According to a study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, traveling would open us more to new experiences and lessen our reluctance to do things that we would not normally do. The study also relates to this observation the desire to meet new people, assuming that the journey encourages us to constantly seek new knowledge.

Teaches us how to solve problems
The same study from the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, conducted on German students, showed that students who traveled were 20% more likely to solve tasks on the computer than others. The survey shows that those who had lived abroad for a certain period of time were better at thinking outside the box and seeing multiple solutions to the same problem.

Makes us humble
Another interesting finding from the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology study is that students who went to various countries were more humble when they returned. Researchers have linked this to the fact that travelers have come into contact with something different, putting their own lives and accomplishments into perspective.

Makes us happy
Led by three researchers from Cornell University and the University of California at Berkeley, the Waiting for Merlot: Anticipatory Consumption of Experiential and Material Purchases study reveals that people who anticipate a good experience are very happy, even more so. happy if they anticipate a concrete experience such as money or a purchase. So, just booking a plane ticket is already a step closer to happiness!

Increases our productivity

The US travel association has shown, thanks to the Department of Economics at Oxford University, that workers who took their annual leave were 6.5% more likely to be promoted to their job. And all that, because taking a vacation makes it more productive!

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