موضوع عن التدخين بالانجليزي
Effects of smoking
The smoke of a cigarette contains more than 7,000 chemicals. Of these
substances, 69 are recognized as carcinogens. The aspirated smoke circulates in
the human body and touches almost every organ. This is why smoking affects both
the health and well-being of smokers. Smoke also affects the health of
non-smokers who are exposed to it.
Other tobacco products, such as cigars and cigarillos, or the use of a
water pipe also pose significant health risks. These are not safer options than
The electronic cigarette is a special case. Its long-term effects on health
are still poorly understood, both for users and for people who are regularly
exposed to vapors. The electronic cigarette, however, also appears to carry
significant health risks. There is a wide variety of electronic cigarettes and
at present, there is no standard in Canada for making them.
Nicotine is a substance that occurs naturally in tobacco and is added in
some electronic cigarettes. Nicotine is the cause of addiction and physical
dependence on tobacco products. A person can become dependent quickly,
sometimes even before starting to smoke each day. Smoking 1 to 5 cigarettes a
week might be enough to become addicted. Nicotine addiction is comparable to
that caused by heroin or cocaine use.
Pregnancy and adolescence are periods during which the brain is actively
developing. Thus, the nicotine to which a pregnant woman is exposed harms the
optimal development of the fetal brain. The development of a teenager's brain
is also affected if he is exposed to nicotine. The negative consequences
associated with nicotine are not necessarily perceived at birth or adolescence,
but in the longer term.
Effects on health and well-being
In the short term, smoking has the following effects:
bad breath;
fatigue and decrease in energy level;
decreased taste and smell;
Smokers are also more likely to have multiple health problems, such as:
problems affecting the heart and blood vessels;
breathing or lung problems such as asthma or excessive coughing
certain types of cancer, including lung cancer;
fertility problems;
in women: menstrual problems;
in men: erectile problems.
Decrease in life expectancy
At least half of all smokers will die as a result of their smoking. Their
life expectancy is reduced by at least 10 years compared to non-smokers.
Smoking only 1 to 4 cigarettes a day is enough to increase the risk of dying
Effects of second-hand smoke
Non-smokers can also be exposed to the chemicals in the smoke when they are
in the presence of smokers. This phenomenon is called "exposure to
second-hand smoke".
Second-hand smoke can affect the health and well-being of those exposed to
it, whether they smoke or not. These people are more likely to have health
problems such as:
heart problems;
lung or breathing problems such as asthma or excessive coughing
lung cancer.
Second-hand smoke is considered one of the most dangerous environmental contaminants.
Exposure to second-hand smoke is dangerous: even breathing a small amount of
second-hand smoke can be harmful.
Protection and prevention
Smoking cessation
Quitting smoking has many health benefits for people of all ages from the
first minutes after stopping. For more information, visit Benefits of Quit
Smoking for Health.
Protection against second-hand smoke
The only way to protect yourself from second-hand smoke is to go to
smoke-free spaces. Opening a window, using the range hood, a fan or an air
filter are not effective in protecting yourself from second-hand smoke inside.
Even outdoors, second-hand smoke can sometimes be a problem, depending on the
number of smokers, wind speed, outside temperature, location patterns, and so
In Quebec, the Tobacco Control Act prohibits smoking in many public places.
This measure provides smoke-free spaces, including:
schools and daycares;
restaurants and bars, as well as their terraces;
some outdoor locations such as children's play areas.
People at risk
Everyone may be affected by smoking or second-hand smoke. Some people,
however, are more likely to be affected by second-hand smoke. Those are :
pregnant women;
babies and children;
old people;
people with heart or respiratory problems.
Pregnant women
Smoking and exposure to second-hand smoke are important causes of health
problems in pregnant women.
Pregnant women who smoke have a higher risk:
to have an ectopic pregnancy (localized pregnancy in the fallopian tubes);
to have a placenta previa (placenta located in the lower part of the
uterus) or a rupture of the placenta;
to give birth prematurely;
to give birth to a baby of low weight, stillborn or who presents
Pregnant women exposed to second-hand smoke are also more likely to
experience problems at the birth of their child, for example:
give birth prematurely;
give birth to a low birth weight or stillborn baby.
If you are pregnant, you should avoid smoking and exposure to second-hand
smoke. To find out what resources are available to quit smoking, visit the
Benefits of Smoking Quit page.
Babies and children
Smoking by family and friends and exposure to second-hand smoke are
important causes of health problems in fetuses, babies and children.
Babies and young children are particularly sensitive to second-hand smoke
because their lungs are not yet fully formed. Because children breathe faster
than adults, they are also more exposed to the chemicals in second-hand smoke.
Babies and children exposed to second-hand smoke are more likely to suffer:
pulmonary problems;
various infections:
otitis, etc.
Fetuses exposed to second-hand smoke during pregnancy are more likely to
die from SIDS.