تعبير عن السباحة بالانجليزي قصير جدا
swimming advantage
better cardiovascular and respiratory
In addition to using all the muscles of
the body (biceps, triceps, abdominals, quadriceps, etc.), swimming requires the
respiratory system and cardiovascular capacity. It is one of the most effective
physical activities to improve venous return. Because of the contraction and
relaxation of the muscles, the various movements made promote circulation while
limiting water retention. This is especially beneficial for the legs that are
frequently affected. By swimming regularly, the heart will offer increased
strength and resistance. Swimming thus makes it possible to limit the risks of
cardiovascular diseases since, both at rest and during effort, the work of the
heart is facilitated.
Benefits for mental health
The weightlessness provided by the water
allows all the muscles to relax, which reminds the position of the fetus in the
belly of his mother. Thus, tensions and stress evaporate leaving room for a
sense of well-being. In addition to the relaxing context in which it is
practiced, swimming, like all sports, causes the secretion of endorphins (=
neurotransmitters produced by the pituitary and the hypothalamus). These
hormones act on the brain, spinal cord and digestive system to bring the person
into a state of bliss. The results of a study conclude that swimming reduces
tension, anger, depression and confusion while restoring vigor to those who
الى طلاب المدارس والقراء الكرام ارجو ان ينال هذا الموضوع اعجابكم وارجو مراسلتي في اي ملاحظة من طرفكم وشكرا
والله مره مره قصير