عن اللغة الانجليزية
نكت باللغة الانجليزية مترجمة
بعد محاولات فاشلة في الكتابة
كسر اقلامه وغرسها في أرض التجربة
فأنبتت موضوعا غير قابل للكسر .
After several unsuccessful attempts in writing,
he broke his pens and planted them in the ground of experimentation ...
And an unbreakable subject pushed it. f
الولد العاق
رف ل نل نق نق .
ولما وافاه الأجل, أتي أخوها بيد غياب طويل يطالبها
بنصيبه من الإرث !
The ungrateful son
She refused all her suitors and interrupted her studies to take
care of her impotent father. When he died, his brother returned, after a long
البطل 007
بين الأضواء الجميلة .. والوجوه الكثيرة..وهي تسير
في فستانها الأبيض الساحر..بقربها العريس .. ماسكا يدها..بربطة عنق كالفراشة الحالمة,
سعيد يبتسم كالبطل 007 .. .. بفخامته ناولها وردة في الوقت الذي هز الريح شعره, كانت
الوردة بيد العشيق .
مصطفى طالبي الإدريسي 27-05-2009
The hero 007
Under the beautiful lights .. and the many faces ... she was
walking in her beautiful white wedding dress ... Next to her, the groom holding
his arm ... a tie like a dreamy butterfly neck, happy and smiling like the hero
007 ... With all its splendor he handed her a flower ... but when the air shook
his hair, the flower was in the hands of his lover ... f
قصيرة أصابت دبابتهما في معركة مع العدو, عطلتها,
وأغلقت بابها بفعل تفريغ الهواء, ايقنا أنهما ميتان لا محالة, قالا معا: يا ألله !
وفي لمح البصر نزلت قيمة أخرى, فتحت الباب, وفجرت
الدبابة? بعد أن خرجا منها سالمين .
O Allah
During a battle with the enemy, a shell damaged their tank and
blocked the hatch due to the evacuation of the air. They were convinced that
death was inevitable. Then in chorus, they said: O Allah!
And in the blink of an eye, another shell came down on the tank
where, before exploding, they came out unscathed by the hatch that went back to
work. f
زوجة عاشقة
سمعت هديرمحرك سيارته يدخل بها مرآب منزلهم, فأسرعت
إلى المرآة .
A woman passionately in love
[ As soon as ]
She heard the roar of the engine of his car he was driving back to the garage
of their home, she rushed to the mirror.
رؤيا صادقة
تعلق بحبه كثيرا, قرر زيارته. حزم أمتعته للسفر برا,
وعند وصوله ..أجهش بالبكاء !! لأنه سيولد من جديد
أيقظته زوجته وهو يردد لبيك اللهم لبيك .
Sincere vision
He loves her passionately and decides to visit him.
He packs his bags to travel by land.
At his arrival, his eyes overflow with tears because he will be
reborn again.
His wife woke him up as he repeated, "I answer your call, O
Allah! I answer your call
أم مربية ..
كانت تقية في ابنها, تتخير له أطيب الدعوات, حين
تغضب لأنها, تعلم بأنه أمانة ربته إلى أن صار إماما .
An educating mother
She feared God in the education of her son: she chose the best
prayers when she was angry because she knew it was a deposit; she had educated
him until he was imam