عن road safety
برجراف عن road safety
Circumstances of road
The analysis of the road
accident in 2017 shows that:
38% of users kill themselves
alone, without collision with a third, among them: 19% are motorcyclists and
65% motorists.
25% of motorists are killed
in a collision with two other motorists.
64% of pedestrians are
killed by a passenger vehicle, 12% by a truck or transit vehicle and 10% by a
commercial vehicle.
48% of cyclists are killed
by a passenger vehicle, 9% by a truck or a transit vehicle.
39% of motorcyclists are
killed in a single passenger vehicle accident, 9% on a commercial vehicle,
truck or transit vehicle.
ONISR observes a
modification of the accident circumstances. He sees more "solo"
collisions (97 people killed more than in 2016, but a result equivalent to
2015), with a new rise among motorcyclists. ONISR also reports a notable
decrease in pedestrians killed by a passenger vehicle in 2017, 31 fewer people
killed by a passenger vehicle, 27 fewer by a truck or public transit vehicle
and 12 fewer less by a utility vehicle.
Age classes
ONISR has identified road
deaths by population per age and million inhabitants. In 2017, the over-risk
age groups are still the 18-24 age group (108 killed per million inhabitants)
and those aged 75 and over (88 killed per million inhabitants), then the 25-34
year olds (74 killed per million inhabitants). The number of people killed per
million inhabitants in metropolitan France is 53 in 2017, slightly above the
European average.
In 2017, road deaths among
18-24 year olds continue to decline. 562 young people lost their lives in a
road accident in 2017, 35 lives saved compared to 2016 (-6%). If 18-24 year
olds remain the age group most affected by fatal road accidents, their
situation is improving: 108 young people of this age are killed per million
young people in this age group in 2017 , compared to 151 in 2010.
The 15-17 year olds have a
road mortality slightly higher than 2016 (+5 killed) but equivalent to 2013
with 101 deaths, including 41 motorized two-wheelers. The sharp reduction in
moped mortality has particularly benefited this age group, which now has a
lower-than-average death rate (42 killed per million young people in this age
At the other end of the age
pyramid, seniors over 65 now account for just over a quarter of road deaths (+
25.2%). 869 people aged 65 and over were killed in a traffic accident in 2017.
A figure down -2%, 17 lives saved compared to 2016. Of the 527 deaths of people
aged 75 and over , 292 were motorists, 11 more than in 2016 and 172 were
pedestrians, 49 less than in 2016.
The proportion of men and
women remains relatively stable: three quarters of those killed or seriously
injured in road accidents are men (77% in 2017). These account for 79% of light
vehicle drivers killed, 87% of cyclists killed, 96% of motorcycle drivers
killed and 95% of moped drivers killed. As in 2016, the mortality of passenger
car passengers and pedestrians is shared. Men's share is 50% and 64%
ONISR finally notes that 82%
of the alleged perpetrators of fatal accidents are men, while outside of
professional trips, the number of kilometers traveled by male drivers is only
slightly higher than that of female drivers .