تعبير بالانجليزي عن الحياه
تعبير عن هدفي في الحياة بالانجليزي
مقالات باللغة الانجليزية عن الحياة
How to live happily: the eternal question
that haunts us
Guest article written by Jean-Baptiste
Marsille from Jbmarsille.com
The debate has been going on for years.
Centuries. Millennia. How to live happily? What are the goals that should be
set? What forces to deploy to finally reach them? And what happens next?
The question is as exciting as those
surrounding the creation of the universe. And the answers are multiple. Why ?
Because each of us has a very different vision, since totally personal
The real subject, the real questioning is
around the experience of happiness. "To live happily" is to live with
one's own eyes. Her values. His desires. His desires.
Go in the direction of his personal
development. Give yourself the confidence you deserve and above all ...
understand that it is enough to decide, to lead a fulfilling life.
Happiness is a moment that nobody can
take away
A smile, a moment with his family, a
kiss, a sunset, a succulent dinner, a sporting victory ... that's what I call
happiness. At least if we agree to the right to think of these facts as
realities in their own right.
To live happily, one must be able to
appreciate the present moment. To put in brackets the weight of the gaze of the
other and for a few minutes, savor what happens to us.
To be happy is not to reach a position of
power. Earn a lot of money or have a lot of friends. If this is nice,
questions, doubts and fears do not fly away.
No, to live happily, one must simply
recognize the pleasure it is. Tomorrow is uncertain, so as to give all the
value to the reason of satisfaction that we experience.
Live happy by following the philosophy of
What we notice when we go through a
period of trouble is that negativity impacts all the cells of our body. All
areas of our life. We even speak of "law of series".
Personally, I believe in establishing a
virtuous circle. By taking an interest in the opportunities that are everywhere
in our environment, by deciding to adopt open-mindedness and take life with a
smile, everything happens more simply.
Our state of mind influences the way we
see things. It allows to ignore or on the contrary to highlight happiness.
And when we know that behind every choice
we make, from the most important to the smallest is an opportunity to change
his life ... then we understand that to live happily, you just have to want it.
To adopt a dynamic vision of one's own
life. Decide to go forward and live each of the experiences we have the chance
to do.
Try. Be happy. It's easier than it seems!