الاثنين، 25 مارس 2019

موضوع انجليزي عن الرياضة للصف

موضوع عن بالانجليزي قصير للصف 
موضوع انجليزي عن الرياضة

The benefits of physical activity on the physical plane
1.  Sport strengthens the heart and regulates tension
One of the main benefits of the sport is to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system and thus optimize the blood circulation by a vasodilatation effect of the blood vessels. With training the heart will therefore beat more slowly at rest and therefore less tired. The decrease in resistance during the blood circulation will also induce a drop in blood pressure.

2. Sport contributes to maintaining muscle capital
The sport activity provides an increase in strength, endurance and muscle volume, it therefore contributes to the prevention of injuries and various pain of the hip, knee, or back. Not insignificant benefits, to age in good health.

3. Sport increases bone capital
Activating the body will stimulate the action of cells in their role of building bone. This regeneration will solidify your skeleton and also prevent osteoporosis.

seniors sport benefits

4. Sport prevents joint problems
A regular practice of sports activity promotes nutrition and mobility of cartilage and thus prevents various joint pain and osteoarthritis problems.

5. Sport promotes transit
In addition to having more fun to eat, because of a better appetite, sports practice promotes digestion and offers an effective remedy against constipation.

6. Sport helps breathe better
The practice of endurance sports such as cycling or swimming will contribute to the increase of lung capacity, which helps to fight against asthma problems.

sport breathing

7. Sport provides a slim and toned silhouette
Regular exercise will allow you to spend calories and thus facilitate weight loss. In a thinning optics cardio sports like swimming, cycling, elliptical or running should be favored. On the other hand, to muscularize your body it will be necessary rather to turn towards muscular sports activities like the dance, the gym, the Pilates (to know more), the exercises of abdo gluteus (see here). Better yet, the practice of exercises in the form of fractional high intensity (HIIT type) allows you to build muscles while burning fat.

The benefits of sport on the mind
8. Sport provides general well-being
A well-being at the same time physical and mental, by the secretion of hormones such as endorphin which generates a real sensation of pleasure, sometimes even euphoric. It often happens that by dint of practicing one can no longer do without sports activity. Thus, a little like the effect of a drug, one feels the need to find that state of well-being that occurs after physical effort.

9. Sport improves intellectual performance
Sports activities of the "aerobic" type (endurance sports) allow an improvement of oxygen transport in the body, and thus oxygenation of the brain, which has the effect of optimizing brain activity.

10. Sport facilitates the evacuation of stress
The practice of sport has a soothing action thanks to endorphins, substances produced by our brain. In addition it allows to ventilate the mind and forget the worries of everyday life.

11. Sport instills willpower and tenacity
Goals in or through sport are seldom easy to achieve, and perseverance and patience are often required. It's sort of what we find in everyday life, the practice of a sport can help us to move more calmly when we face personal or professional problems, we have more self-confidence.

sport will

12. Sport promotes sleep
Nothing like a little physical activity to relax and evacuate daily tensions. Good physical fatigue is the guarantee of a deep and restful sleep. Also read "Sleep better: 6 tips to improve your sleep".

The social benefits of sport
13. Sport teaches educational values
Rugby is often put forward because of the values ​​it conveys: friendship, courage, sincerity, honor, modesty, respect, self-control, politeness ... In general, the sport remains for young people an incredible school of life . Learn more about the benefits of sport in children.

sport values

14. Sport creates social bond

Associations and sports clubs bring together people who share the same passion. This allows you to create links and expand your relationship circle. Sport is often used for this purpose as part of the reintegration of people on the margins of society.

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